




















Wildes (offsite)


Family Files

This page is to display information on local families contained within a database such as a GEDCOM or oral biographies.  Instead, this information is in plain text / HTML format.  Often times genealogy and history are mixed together, though most information is specific to one line in a family.

GEDCOMS are databases created in computer genealogy software such as Family Reunion, Brother's Keeper, Family Tree Maker, Personal Ancestry File, and many others.  Most of these programs have their own proprietary format, but they will also "export" the database into a common format.  This enables sharing of information between different brands of genealogy software.  A GEDCOM is simply a specially formatted text file.  In order to view it properly you will need some type of genealogy software.  If you do not currently own one, you can download a version of Family Tree Maker that will allow you to view GEDCOMS.  Please follow your software's instructions for opening/importing GEDCOMS.  I am sorry, but I do not do tech support for the software provided by any of the above companies.  MAC software should also be able to read GEDCOMS.

To the right, you will see a list of family names.  Each of these families has a GEDCOM database online.

Each database (GEDCOM) was submitted to me [Tara Fields].  I then converted the database into web pages using shareware software.  The database file is available for downloading in the original GEDCOM format.  The files have been compressed into .exe (executable) files.  When you download a file, you will then double-click on it.  It will uncompress itself.  I found this an easier way of distributing these files as opposed to compressing the files into ZIP format then requiring the user to download yet another piece of software to uncompress ZIPs.

If you would like to add your Southeast GEORGIA related GEDCOM here, or if you would like me to link to your site, please e-mail me.  This service is FREE and you retain all rights to the work you submit.  I do not claim to have created any of these GEDCOMS - just the web pages for them.  I am simply publishing the files for you. :-)

PLEASE contact the SUBMITTER of the GEDCOM for more information!  I have not submitted ANY of these GEDCOMS myself!

Genealogy of
Camden and Charlton Counties, Georgia

Wording by Tara Fields

My photo projects are of great joy to me.  I am not a professional photographer in any way, but I do enjoy taking photos of various places around the county.  I have done a "layout" on the Mills House and Cemetery, Sardis Primitive Baptist Church, Coleraine, the St. Marys River, Burnt Fort, the Pacetti House, Oak Grove Cemetery, and more.  All of these are under the history section.

Included in this Genealogy section of my site are my cemetery records, gedcoms (family databases), lists of interesting local books, maps, and more.  Please feel free to browse this information.

A special warning:  This information is subject to change without notice.  I do try to put up notices whenever a major change occurs; however, I usually will not bother if it is a small change.  I cannot guarantee that any of this information is correct.  The only information I have personally gathered would be much of the cemetery records.  If you find a mistake, please let me know about it and I will recheck the information and correct it as necessary.

The most common mistakes in genealogical research are:

  • Not using family group sheets and pedigree charts.
  • Not contacting living relatives for assistance.
  • Assuming that "nobody else" is working on my line.
  • Not using maps of the area at the time your ancestors were living there.
  • Not knowing the history of the area in which you are conducting research
  • Not using common sense when reading family histories.  If a source for information is not listed, be cautious about accepting it.  Much of the information may be hearsay.
  • Gathering information on everyone with "that" surname, unless it is an uncommon name.
  • Not using primary sources - original land, probate, church, county records - but relying on printed histories.
  • Not making a master copy for your information so you may leave the master copy at home when you travel and take the duplicate with you.
  • Not organizing your records
  • Not paying attention to any clues your ancestors may have left.
  • Assuming your surname is never spelled a different way.
  • Giving up.

From: T he Arkansas Family Historian, via Standridge Kith an' Kin.

For further research, please be sure to check out the Bryan - Lang Library.  I have a page up with their pamphlet and contact information, but this is not their official web site.

Due to time constraints, I do not do courthouse research myself.  If you need this type of service, the workers at the Camden Courthouse can help you out.

  • The Woodbine Courthouse, County Seat of Camden
    305 E. 4th Street, Woodbine, GA 31537