Glynn Academy's Monthly Magazine March 1922 Glynn Co., Georgia

Vol. 1 No. 1
March 1922



A Monthly Magazine
Published by the Students of
Glynn Academy
Vol. 1, No. 1, March 1922


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Editor-in-Chief  Kenneth Bell
Associate Editor Athletics Alton Burns
Social Helen Lissner
Ticklers  Fred Abrams
Alumnae Alfred Wood
Faculty Advisers Miss Rucker
  Miss Padrick


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     Glynn Academy is introducing at this time her monthly magazine--”Cumtux.” The name is taken from an old Indian legend of a chieftain, who, tired of his venison, demanded something different to eat. When it was brought to him and he inquired the name of this new dish, he was told that is was “cumtux,” which means “a little bit of the best of everything.”
     It is our purpose to make this magazine thoroughly American, therefore we selected a name from the only real Americans. In the pages of the magazine will be reflected the work and play of our high school days as they really are.
     We trust that you will accept the issues of Cumtux, giving us your co-operation in advertising, buying and reading it, as well as offering constructive criticism.



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     By the phrase “letting off steam” is mean the act of relieving the mind when one is angry, disgusted or impatient. This relief is often sought by an outburst of profanity, sometimes specific, oftentimes general.
     At times the profanity is merely thought, at others it is muttered under the breath, but more often it bursts forth for everyone nearby to hear. The slightest provocation, whether it be anger or pleasure, may call forth an outburst of various phrases which turn the air blue, because profanity sometimes denotes that the user is merely in a good humor. The use of profanity has become so insulated with habit that it no longer produces a shock, not even from self-respecting girls.
     In the life of everyone there are many occasions where patience has ceased to be a virtue, and an exclamation is in order. There are many ways to express one’s feelings, however, than the use of degrading, disgusting, unwholesome cursing. When certain men or boys are displeased by others, the disapproval is instantly expressed in a copyrighted set of “cuss-words.” Our English language is too broad and too full of words rich in meaning for an intelligent person to resort to profanity, when there are English phrases which are much more scathing and cutting. When we are inclined to “let of steam” or “bawl out” someone, let us try to forget the accumulation of morine vocabulary, and form decent sentences, using words which properly convey the meaning.
     Let us exemplify the man who had determined never to “sully his mouth,” though he knew he would be sorely tempted and vexed. He invented several dignified, high-sounding words which begin with “d” as, “domtiferous” and used these to meet his needs. When such words are said forcibly, they are quite at [sic] effective as profanity, because it not only satisfies the one who uses it, but it baffles the auditor.
     There are some who use “black-talk” without any evident...

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...provocation. They seem to indulge for their own amusement and for the admiration of others who are ignorant or narrow-minded enough to be amused. The people who are thus inclined should learn good, wholesome jokes to serve the purpose of amusement. Certainly the latter habit would be much more helpful than the former.
     Let us try to eliminate this quickly-formed habit, for though it may not seem very harmful to some people, it really is hurtful and demoralizing. In Glynn Academy let us not be known as a “cussin’ set.”



     All in favor of “pep” assembly, say “Aye!” All opposed--“No!” The “ayes” have it.
     What? A spirited meeting full of pep, ginger, and racket.
     Where? In the Assembly Hall during morning assembly.
     When? Before any ball game or athletic event.
     Who? All the students and anyone in anyway interested in high school or athletics. We hope to have different business men speak to us from time to time, in order that school spirit may be discussed from an outsider’s viewpoint and that the students may increase their “pep.”
     Why? To arouse more interest in the event and so have a large crowd to encourage the members of our team to do a little better than their best. At these “pep” assemblies we expect to originate and learn new school songs and yells. Let us enter into it whole-heartedly.


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     My reader, do you remember when you were in old Glynn High and in the tenth grade? The debate--“Resolved, that Lacy Macbeth was a greater villain than her husband,” was one of the most interesting events that took place. Was it not?
     Well, so it was with us. The entire upper study hall was filled with the students of the night, tenth and eleventh grades; and a few visitors had gathered to witness the contest between the tenth grade debating teams.
     Much preparation had been made for the event, and it had been looked forward to, by the tenth grade at least, with much interest. The affirmative was to be maintained by a team composed of three boys--Thomas Miller, Wayne Jones, and Fred MacGregor. They were well-prepared, and made a “red hot” fight, stating their points in no uncertain tones, pounding their argument home with much force and eloquence. The negative team was composed of three of the fairer sex--Margaret Manor, Elsbeth Busk and Frances Amos. Girls are sometimes spoken of as the “weaker vessels”; but there was no weakness in the members of this trio. They went after the argument of their opponents and literally tore it to pieces--at the same time presenting strong and--as it developed later--convincing points of their own.
     Albert Fending, Jr.
, held the honorary position of the day--and with greatest pride, acted as chairman. The writer sat with a large gold “biscuit” in one hand and a hammer in the other. Perhaps we could call him the watchman--at least he held the time keeper’s job and seemed to take delight in banging on the table when the time allotted each speaker was up.
     While the judges were out, a most interesting scene from “Macbeth” was presented; the one where Macbeth, the villain, and Macduff, the avenger of blood, met and fought. Norman Green impersonated Macbeth while G.T. Holody took the part of Macduff. It was fast and furious. Armed cap-a-pie, they charged across the hall, met in the center, and the fight was on!

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     The sword of Macbeth [Norman Green] was beautifully marked of in inches, halves, quarters and sixteenths, and on one side, in large black letters, was the word Furniture; while on the other side was the legend, in equally as large black letters, Vickers and Mann. His shield was quite handsome--shiny cardboard, adorned with an intricate tracery of algebraic characters.
     Macduff [G.T. Holody] was quite as beautifully dressed. His sword was very, very blunt as to its point, but with it he split poor Macbeth’s sword and wrenched his shield from his hand.
     The engagement was short-lived. With a “click”, “click”, and a thrust or two they were gone.
     At this most interesting point the judges appeared upon the scene. In the midst of breathless expectancy fell the old English verdict--“not proved”--the “weaker vessels” had routed the “sterner sex”, horse, foot and artillery!




     I made quite a fuss when I came into this world, for it was rumored that I was to live with a great person; and as my sister played as great a part in this wonderful story as I, we must not leave her out. She and I were the descendants of the great “Tempoint” family. It is said by some that my father was “Point” and my mother was “Tem,” but, be that as it may, we are here and have our story to tell.
     It was a cold, rainy day when we left New York, and it was said that a snow storm was headed our way; but they wrapped my sister and me in a huge purple blanket and put us in a beautiful box. Before the cover was shut down I heard some one say: “Give my regards to the family,” and the cover was shut down. My how funny we felt. I asked my sister if she knew who the relatives were that the man had reference to, but she said that she expected it was some other of our numerous relatives. After this we were silent for quite awhile, for to tell you the truth, I was getting a little sea-sick with the everlasting chug-chug of the train, for it was a train as we learned afterwards.
     I will never forget my first ride on a train. I had on a silver suit trimmed with gold, and a diamond on each side...

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...of my coat and looked real swell. My sister had a dress of gold, trimmed with a little silver border and three pearls on her head. If I do say it myself, we surely did look “stachey.” At last we were picked up and carried carefully for a long while. I must have fallen asleep, for when I awoke the lid of our box was off and I heard strange voices taking. I was then lifted carefully out and found myself in a beautiful room. My sister was being held by a beautiful lady, and on looking around I found that I was being held by a kindly looking gentleman. His hair was grey and he wore eye glasses. I wondered who these people were and I said to myself: “Surely they are not our relatives.”
     About this time the lady that was holding my sister spoke. “I think these are the prettiest pens that I have ever seen, don’t you Woodrow?” Oh, I thought, so his name is Woodrow. My thoughts were interrupted by his reply. “ I quite agree with you Edith, and what does the card say?” There was some minutes of silence, and then the person called Edith spoke. “The card says to Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, from the Brunswick Board of Trade.” “Why, that is the little place we visited on our way to Jekyl Island,” she replied, “and has about 14, 000 inhabitants.” “We must write and thank them for sending such a lovely remembrance,” Woodrow replied.
     Now that I have told you my journey I must tell you a few of my experiences. After I was washed and given a good meal of Sanford’s Purple Ink, I was then in condition for work. Mr. Wilson carried me around with him constantly, and ever since then I have performed all of his work for him. Not long after this he carried me to Europe and I saw many strange sights. I have the distinction of being used in signing the Treaty of Versailles. I have also written many important letters and documents; in fact, my life has been well filled with adventures.
     I have not seen very much of my sister as she is closely guarded by Mrs. Wilson; but once in a while we get a glimpse of each other, and I am quite sure that she is also playing as useful as well as an ornamental part in lfie [sic].



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     Can you imagine yourself in the quaint lowland region of northwestern Europe, known as the Netherlands?
     A tour of this country was conducted on Friday, February the seventeenth, by the seventh grade geography classes, under the supervision of their able teacher, Miss McBryde. These young people have just completed a study of Holland in their geography work, and produced a delightfully interesting recitation for their friends.
     Scenes common to Holland, such as windmills, canals, and odd little people, hung in frames along the wall, and the blackboard presented a typical Dutch scene.
     Four members of each class were quaintly costumed in the full skirts, tight bodices, wooden shoes, and pointed caps of the Dutch people. One represented the summer amusements and sat in an odd beach chair. Another sat at a spinning wheel, while a quaint couple enjoyed afternoon tea from the famous Delft china.
     The program was conducted entirely by the pupils. The opening number was a history of the little Dutch republic, followed by a description of the country with its dykes and windmills. Then came the industries, including fishing, lace-making, tulip culture, and various manufactures.
     The amusements enjoyed by the Dutch are horse-racing, rowing, and bathing at summer resorts, skating, and carnivals.
     At the conclusion of the entertainment, the entire class entered into a discussion of the Netherlands and showed their recently acquired knowledge by rapid and proficient answers to all queries.
     These pupils deserve special credit for their hearty interest in their work; and their efforts are rewarded by some form of entertainment as this Dutch party, which was a source of pleasure to all who attended.


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     It has been customary to entertain in some manner the visiting basketball teams and a dance is generally the manner chosen. Several such affairs have been entered into with spirit and all participants have added to their credit a thoroughly enjoyed evening. Members of the faculty and parents of the students have acted as able chaperones.
     On Saturday evening, January 21st, the girls’ team of Duval High was delightfully entertained with a dance at the Elks’ Club. All high school students were invited and a large number attended. The music was furnished by Hawkins’ Jazz Five, and punch was served during the evening. Great excitement prevailed at the appearance of the “Terrors” after their return from Baxley, where they were again victorious, although they battled in sands which would have done credit to the Sahara.
     A similar dance was tendered the Waycross girls’ team on Saturday, February 11th, and an equally enjoyable evening was spent.
     Several other parties have been given during the year and everyone anticipates with pleasure those to be given in the near future.
     For the benefit of the Athletic Association, script dances have been and will continue to be given on Saturday evenings at the Elks’ Club, admission being $1.00. Gay crowds have always attended and it is hoped they will continue their loyal support by coming forward with the ever-needed “dollar.”

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     February 4th, the great day, had dawned for the basketball sextette. Every girl was keyed up to the highest point of interest in anticipation of the game with their Savannah opponents.
     The trip to Savannah was quite pleasant, and the long wait in Thalmann seemed to be lessened by meeting the B.C. boys who were on their way to Brunswick and defeat. Most of the trip to Savannah was spent in playing bridge.
     All were glad when the train pulled into Savannah. The girls were assigned to different homes and all went away happy, promising to meet that afternoon. The afternoon was spent in shopping and going to movies. Then the majority of the girls went to ride until supper-time.
     About a quarter to eight, the team donned their uniforms and all hearts went pit-a-pat. Before the whistle blew, both teams’ pictures were taken and will appear in the Atlanta Journal.
     The whistle blew and the fray was on! The first few minutes of the game neither team scored. Finally the star forward on the Savannah team shot a goal. This awoke the Brunswick girls and the next time the ball went back to center it was quickly passed to the Brunswick forwards and their first goal was made. Although Brunswick displayed good pass work, they fell down on fouls, from which the Savannah score increased. At the final blowing of the whistle, the score was 39-10 in favor of Savannah.
     The Boosters from Brunswick were possessed of such firm lungs and large mouths that their voices drowned those of the Savannahians.
     After the game a dance was given in honor of the Brunswick girl looked her best and was a credit to Glynn Academy [sic].
     The best time was in store for the team on the return trip. One of the basket-tossers had never been on a Pullman before and therefore afforded great amusement. Upon seing a talbe at one of the seats she asked innocently, “Oh girls! Where did you find the cute table?” The girl on the team most noted for her jokes showed our “green” little friend the porter’s bell. The “dear little thing” took a chance and pushed it. Upon the porter’s arrival she was at a loss to know what to say, so she asked for a glass of water.
     Many original songs were sung until Brunswick...

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...was reached. The boys had turned out to meet us and gave us “three times three.”
     Although we enjoyed our visit in the “big city” lil’ ol’ Brunswick looked good to us!




     On the theory that “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”--and the “Jills, too, as far as that is concerned--we have several organization [sic] among the students which tend to add diversity to every day school life.--Editor.


     Among the high school organizations is the orchestra, which meets every Wednesday afternoon for at least an hour’s practice. The orchestra has made only one public appearance this year, which was during “Educational Week.”
     It is now working on a program to be presented in the near future at a meeting of the Woman’s Club. The following students compose this organization:

Tillie Borchardt--Piano

Cornelia Leavy, Naomi Prim--Mandolins

Dolores Artau, Benito Artau, Maurice Zelmenovitz--Violins

Merril Lankford, Clarence Downs--Cornets

Smedley Missildine--Clarinet

Miss Marjorie Goodwin--Directress



     Under the supervision of Miss Goodwin, supervisor of music, many of the boys and girls of Glynn High have formed a Glee Club. This club is an active organization and promises to be one of the best organized in the highs school.
     It has appeared in public only once, but on that occasion it made a very creditable showing. Just now it is getting ready to appear on a program arranged for the Womans’ Club. The members are all looking forward to the occasion, are practicing diligently, and hope to make a creditable showing before the ladies of Brunswick.
     The following students are enrolled in this organization:

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     Dolores Artau, Daisy Lazarus, Eloise Miller, Naomi Prim, Annie Smith, May Smith, Alice Kenner, Tillie Borchardt, Mary Highsmith, Eleanor Missildine, Mary Parker, Cornelia Leavy, Ethel Brown, Judson Smith, George Gowen, Henry Beach, Kenneth Bell, Doles Wilchar, Alton Burns, Ralph Smith, Richard Peters, Helen Lissner--Accompanist Sidney Harris, Eugene Gignilliat, Frank Vogel.



     Some of the girls of the Senior High have organized themselves into a club for the purpose of stimulating the spirit of good-fellowship among themselves. Thus the club tends to hold the girls together in a bond of friendship.
     The motto of the club is the Golden Rule and a penalty has been placed on the use of coarse speech, profanity, or vulgarity.
     Several parties have been given during the year in the Sigma Tau room at the High School building, and a good time was enjoyed by all who attended.
     Officers of the society are: May Smith, Chairman, and Eloise Leybourne, Treasurer. The insignia is a gold “safety first” with red and white ribbon attached.
     It is hoped that the club will accomplish something worth while, an that its purpose will always be present in the minds of its members.



     The fact that Brunswick is on the highway to Florida proves both interesting and beneficial to Glynn High, as it quite frequently brings us interesting visitors. Recently two such tourists have stopped by on their way to the still “Sunnier South.”--Editor.

     Not long since we were delightfully entertained during morning assembly by a Mr. Collins--a retired teacher of history from Boston, Mass. Mr. Collins is quite an accomplished flutist, and has made an especial study of war time music from the Revolutionary period to the present time. He gave us a delightful little concert beginning with Revolutionary airs and ending with “Pack Up Your Troubles” and other airs from the World War.
     Later, Mr. Collins visited the Senior American History Class, which was studying the Revolutionary War, and gave a most interesting talk on the events around Boston. He...

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...gave intimate details of the Boston Massacre, the famous Tea Party, and described minutely the position of the troops and the fighting of the memorable battle of Bunker Hill. Altogether it was most enjoyable.


     Monsieur Paul Cohen, a native of Nancy, France, visited the French classes Friday, Feb. 10th. He gave a very interesting lecture in which he told something of his own home where the University of Nancy is situated, describing minutely the discipline in the schools there.
     His detailed descriptions of Paris were most interesting, particularly as he has spent some years there.
     At the end of his lecture, Monsieur Cohen sang in French, “La Marseillaise,” “Feather Your Nest,” “Goodbye Broadway, Hello France.” He has been in the United States ten years and during this time Monsieur Cohen has taught in schools and colleges of North and South Carolina and Virginia.


     Dr. Honline, a noted Sunday School worker from Pasadena, California, lectured to the students of Glynn High February 14th. Dr. Honline spoke very clearly of the three things which determine an individual life. Each in its turn he discussed heredity, environment and education in relation to human beings.
     The lecture was very interesting and one which will not be forgotten.



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     In accordance with the recent law passed by the legislature of Georgia, thirty minutes of physical exercise each day has been added to the curriculum at Glynn Academy. Setting up exercises, marching, running, and various games, constitute this work. Each day, unless the weather is too inclement, thirty minutes before lunch period the entire student body can be seen on various parts of the grounds busy with some kind of exercises. When the weather does not permit these exercises to be taken out of doors, the drill is given in the two large study halls within the building.
     The Senior High boys are led by Mr. Young while the Junior High boys are under the leadership of Mr. Highsmith, assisted by Mr. Morris and Mr. Adams.
     Until recently, Miss Carolyn Crawley has charge of the girls, assisted by Misses, Lott, Tyson and Miller. For the present Miss Miriam Abrams is in charge of the girls.
     Athletics may be a benefit or detriment to a student body, and we hope it has been the former and not the latter at Glynn Academy. As a means of developing strong, active young fellows, sound minds in sound bodies, a love of fair play, and good sportsmanship, there is nothing better than athletics. Also it teaches self-control, quick decisions, good judgment, and “team work.” Glynn Academy has always tried to uphold the best standards, and to keep down those things which tend to degrade amateur athletics.
     The Athletic Association is an organization of students for the purpose of fostering and supporting good athletics. The dues are such that membership is within reach of every member of the school. While the membership is not as large as it should be, and we shall not be satisfied until every student is enrolled, there is more co-operation...

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...and school spirit than ever before. We hope in time there will not be a single student who is not an enthusiastic member of the association.
     Thus far, basketball is the only organized form of athletics in the school. The season is drawing to a close, and a review up-to-date shows eleven victories without a single defeat. Certainly there are many teams in the state which would be proud of such a record.
     While the boys have worked hard, no small credit is due the loyal and enthusiastic student body. At every game can be heard the dependable “rooters” of Glynn Academy literally “lifting” the team to victory with their loyalty and confidence. And never before have the people of Brunswick shown such interest in school athletics. Each game shows an increase in the number of town people; encouraging with their presence and financial support the efforts being made by the school. Not only attending the home games but leaving their business and going in generous numbers to “boost” the team to victory on the opponent’s courts.
     But hard working team, loyal student body, nor support of the town can take the place of our hard working coach. Every day between the hours of two-thirty and four thirty in the afternoon, he can be seen instructing the boys, criticizing helpfully, holding up the best standards of clean sportsmanship. Certainly Glynn Academy is fortunate in securing such a man as Mr. J.P. Highsmith, Jr.
The standing of the team up-to-date is as follow:

Brunswick, 33; Baxley, 16.

Brunswick, 37; Hazlehurst, 9.
Brunswick, 58; Metter, 6.
Brunswick, 27; Savannah, 9.
Brunswick, 56; Jesup, 16.
Brunswick, 52; Waycross, 6.
Brunswick, 17; Baxley, 11.
Brunswick, 25; Piedmont, 11.
Brunswick, 53; Benedictine, 26.
Brunswick, 21; Metter, 18.
Brunswick, 49; Benedictine, 25.

     Although the girls’ sextette has not been so successful as the boys’ team, much credit must be given them for their work. Considering the fact this is really their first year at the game, their playing has not been so bad. And the fact that they have been up against such teams as those...

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...of Jacksonville, Waycross, and Savannah, with which they could not hope to compete on anything like an equal footing, has been unfortunate. However, their game with Waycross showed decided improvement over their former games. There is plenty of good material for a winning team among the girls of Glynn Academy.
On January 24th, the “Red Terrors” made their debut in “sassiety”--they were guests at the weekly luncheon of the Rotary Club. They appreciated the honor very much, but were literally “shaking in their shoes.” However, they thought that by keeping quiet, looking wise, and showing a proper knowledge of the array of silver beside the plate, all would be well.
     The minutes were read, and then, exploding like a bomb in our already muddled heads, came a request for a song from the squad. It may have been amusing from the standpoint of the Rotarians but it was most pathetic from ours. They soon learned that it was much easier for our bodies to work in unison on the basketball court, than for our voices to do the same stunt--for I think each separate boy had selected a key of his own.
     But the agony was not all over--we were asked to make speeches--that is, Burns and Gignilliat. Just imagine these two nervous lads sputtering and stammering in the presence of those men. They may know what we said--we do not.
     But such scenes cannot last forever, and the rest of the time was pure pleasure for the squad. We had a real treat in Billy East’s famous Olympia Sextette, and other features of the program.
The squad certainly appreciates this attention by the Rotary Club and their loyal support of Glynn Athletics. At every contest large numbers of the club are present cheering the boys on to victory. Then, too, the club has been very liberal, indeed, in its financial support, for which we are very grateful.


     The basketball team this year is the strongest that old Glynn Academy has ever known. They have played eleven games thus far, and have come out triumphant in everyone. Coach Highsmith is due a lot of credit for building up the team, but the boys themselves have a science of their own, and have mastered that supreme factor, teamwork. The accurate pass-work and the invincible five-man defense baffles all opponents.


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     The two forwards, Burns and Beach are “Terrors” indeed to the opposing guards. The ball seeks out the basket when it leaves their hands, no matter where they are. The center, Vogel, is “all there” when it comes to getting the tip-off and working the signal. He is an excellent all-round player, though slightly inclined to roughness. The two guards are Gignilliat and Wilchar. Gignilliat gets the ball from seemingly impossible positions and always has a good number of goals to his credit. Wilchar is “all there” with the speed, and his accurate pass-work is a feature of every game. Krauss and Smith are the substitutes. They can competently take a place on the team, keeping it at a par, as has been demonstrated in several games.
     We may be confident that G.A. will have a good team next year also, because three of the first team will still be here. But some college may look towards two of our men as forwards for the “Varsity.”

Our basketball team is a peach,
The forwards are “Bunion” and Beach;
The center is “Vogie”,
Guards, Gignilliat and “Stogie”,
Their standards none other can reach.


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“A little nonsense now and then
Is relished by the wisest men.”

Miss Rucker--“Who was the man who said that George Washington was the greatest general of his day?”
Judson--”Alexander the Great.”

Miss Rucker--“Can anyone tell me the name of an explorer who died lately?”
Norman--”Marco Polo.”

Mr. Young--”Why is it that crickets sing her only in the summertime?”
Deep silence in the class.
Mr. Young--”Well, it is this way--they are not here in the winter time.”

“Pop” has suffered a very great loss; and the sad thing about it is, that is [sic] was he who introduced the man to her.

The “Red Terrors” after playing on one of the out-of-town courts, termed themselves the “Sons of the Desert.”

She--“What makes the leaves turn red in the fall?”
He--“They are blushing to think how green they have been all summer.”--Exchange.

“Are you a bright boy at school?”
“Well, I am not so much on my lessons, but I can beat them all when it comes to thinking up excuses for not being able to answer questions.”

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WANTED--A good traffic cop for the hall between periods.

FOR SALE--One heating plant--guaranteed to keep the temperature of the building the same as that out of doors. Smoke furnished free of charge. For information first hand, call at Glynn High on a day when the thermometer says freezing.

JAN. 30--FEB. 4, 1922


The melancholy days are come,
The saddest of the year;
Examinations are on hand,
The superintendent doth appear.

Heaped in the hollow of my mind
The verdant thoughts lie dead;
They rattle in an empty rind,
Or lie solid as a cabbage head.

Where are the facts, the fair young facts
So lately garnered there?
Alas! They’ve vanished off the map,
And naught remains but air.

Historic facts and English rules
I’ve summoned all in vain;
As for Latin verbs, geometric proofs,
There’s nothing there but pain.

And now when comes the reckoning day,
As still these days must come,
To call the information forth
From out my ivory dome.

Alas! I search my cerebrum folds,
I jar them o’er and o’er;
But sigh to find them smooth as glass,
They’re vacant ever more.

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And now my fellow-students dear,
I’m in an awful stew;
A red-inked card I carry home
To meet my parents’ view


To you of Glynn and other schools,
Who’ve had the self-same luck,
I’d like to make a bargain now,
Though it will take some pluck.

Let’s study as the days go by
(Although it’s not all fun);
So when the testing time draws nigh,
Our work will be well done.




“The New England clergyman preached on Sunday and teached on Monday.”

“Columbus touched on New Foundland, and carried back to England reports of the tropical climate, which he firmly believed to be India.”

“Robert E. Lee invented the cotton gin in 1492.”

“Martin Luther was educated to be a lawyer, became frightened of the after life, so became a Christian.”


Why examination question always seem to ask for exactly the things we do not know?
Why do we not get a few questions like the following--then we might pass?

1. Who wrote Shakespeare’s plays?
2. When was the War of 1812?
3. Who was the author of Macaulay’s “Lays of Ancient Rome?”
4. What two countries participated in the Russo-Japanese War?
5. Tell all about the Swiss Navy.
6. Which weighs more, a pound of lead or a pound of feathers?


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All dead who wrote it!
All dead who spoke it!
All die who learn it!
Blessed death-they surely earn it!
--Ghost of a Latin Student



The Freshman knows not, and know that he knows not;
The Sophomore knows not, and knows not that he knows not;
The Junior knows, and knows not that he knows;
The Senior knows, and knows that he knows.

A JUNIOR                                                           


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     While the primary purpose of this newest venture by the students of Glynn High is to arouse interest in and loyalty to our Alma Mater among the students themselves and community at large, we have dedicated one department of this paper to those members of the former student bodies who represent this school in higher institutions of learning and in various walks of life.
     It is impossible at this time to go back of the more recent classes graduation from Glynn Academy. But this department is not only open to, but, indeed, will welcome heartily, any contributions or communications from former graduates of Glynn Academy.
     We are rather proud of the steady increase each year in the percentage of the graduates from Glynn who go to college. Ten years ago not more than perhaps twenty per cent of the members of the graduating class entered college. Of the class of 1921 over fifty per cent are now enrolled in various colleges throughout the South and East, all making creditable showing, and some reaping honors.

Virginia Beach and Hattie Stephens are at State Normal in Athens where both are doing well.

Miss Lillian Isaac is attending Lucy Cobb in Athens.

Miss Vivian Morgan is at Mary Baldwin in Staunton, Virginia.

Miss Margaret Whittle is at Randolph-Macon in Virginia.

Miss Eunice Thomson is at Wesleyan in Macon, also Miss Mary Miller, of class of ‘20.

The boys of the class of ‘21 who are at college are somewhat scattered, although the majority are at Tech in Atlanta.

Pitt Arnold, John Harrison, Hailey Martin, Spencer Harrison, Cormac McGarvey, and Dave Paulk are all at Tech. Hailey Martin is high up in the athletic world, being the star jumping center of the Freshmen basketball team. While John Harrison and Dave Paulk were exempt in all of their studies during the mid-term examinations.

David Gordon who is attending Washington and Lee in Virginia, is doing well.

Charles Gowen, who is at the University of Georgia, was given the honor of being selected on the Freshman debating team.

Peyton Fortson is attending Georgia-Alabama Business College at Macon.

Harry Haym is at Princeton University in New Jersey, making a good record.

Rob Roy MacGregor is attending the University of Virginia.

John Wimberley is at Sewanee in Tennessee, where he is doing well.

Miss Beulah Lott of the class of ‘15 is at the present time a teacher of mathematics in Glynn Academy, while Misses Pyles and Lang of a later class are successful teachers at Purvis.

Annie Burnett of the class of ‘20 is attending Ward-Belmont in Nashville, Tennessee.

Miss Rosina Harris is another member of the class of ‘15 who is a teacher in our midst.

Elmo Brockington of the class of ‘19 is at the University of Georgia.

Grant Wilson of the class of ‘17 is attending Tech.

Elliot Higginbotham of the class of ‘19 is attending Tech.

R.E. Walker, Richard Smith, and Willard Krauss of the class of ‘19 are all attending Tech.

Clyde Taylor of the class of ‘18 graduates from Tech this year, and has been an honor student from his Freshman year.

Laurence Miller of the class of ‘18 graduates from Tech this year.

Lucile Bruce of the class of ‘20 is at Shorter College in Rome. She had the honor last year of having made the highest average ever made by a Freshman at Shorter.

Robert Burford of the class of ‘19 is at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennesee.

Alton Burns, of the class of ‘21, who is taking a post-graduate course in mathematics at Glynn Academy, is right guard on the basketball squad.

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Earl Burney of the class of ‘21 is at the present time employed by the Gulf Refining Company.

Joe Rutterer of the calls of ‘21 has a position in Florida.

John Kaufman of the class of ‘21 is employed by the Phoenix Grocery Company, and is also taking some post-graduate work at Glynn Academy.

One member of the class of ‘21 who is married, is Mrs. Holmes, formerly Miss Muriel Cornelius.

Among the class of ‘16, four are married. The are as follows:

Mrs. Isaac Aiken, of Brunswick, formerly Miss Alice Harrison.

Mrs. Tom Scott, of Athens, formerly Miss Jane Will Miller.

Mrs. Pettigrew, of Charleston, formerly Miss Mary King Hilsman.

Mrs. Stephenson, of Brunswick, formerly Miss Bertha Ames.

From this class of seventeen students, one teacher was furnished, Miss Olivia Russell, who formerly taught here, but who is now teaching in the High School of Augusta.

Ray Wood and Harry Parker, the sole masculine members of the class of ‘16 have positions in the city. The former being employed at the Carpenter-Watkins Co., and the latter at the Brunswick Marine Construction Corporation.


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Midst thy oaks so grand and mighty
     By the restless sea,
Stands our classic Alma Mater,
     Here’s a health to thee!


Proud art thou in classic beauty,
     Of thy noble past;
With they watchwords, “Honor,” “Duty,”
     They high fame shall last.

Ever student, man or maiden
     Swells the glad refrain,
Till the breezes, music laden
     Waft it back again.

In the fields of broad endeavor,
     As the years roll by,
“Forward”, ever be our motto,
     Hail to Thee Glynn High!



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